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Friday, April 25, 2008

Dog Writes Book on How to Live With Humans

source: Annanova

Dog writes book on understanding and living with humans

A pet dog has been promoting her debut book offering fellow canines advice on living with humans.

Dennis Fried says his dog Genevieve "bark-tated" Memoirs of a Papillon to him.

Both owner and dog signed autographs at Miami Book Fair International which hosted more than 200 local and international authors.

Mr Fried from Sarasota says the book is a must read for dogs wanting to learn about the minds of their owners.

"She barktated it to me, and I translated it from dog into English. It's all true. Genevieve may have exaggerated once or twice, but she didn't make any of it up," he told the Miami Herald.

The 158-page book offers driving tips for dogs, discusses the tragedy of doorbells in TV commercials, and how to convert a house into an agility course.

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