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Friday, January 4, 2008

Dogs and their personalities

Most dog lovers know that like people, dogs have their own personalities. There are some dogs that hate the sight of each other, some don't like the smell, some prefer playing with dogs bigger than them( like Frisky), and some are just downright scared.

Our frequent strolls in the park opposite our apartments has given us the opportunity to see, and observe other dogs, and also hear accounts of some we haven't seen.

Her I want to mention this one dog called Jake, a small little one, who thinks he is talking to people. He wont go play with the dogs in the group, but will come to each and every person (human) standing there, and bark excitedly...continuously. His owner told us that he thinks he is having a conversation with us. He is expressing his opinions on everything. If one really listens to him bark for two minutes, you will be almost convinced of it. Its so funny. Jake will quiet down once u bend down and pet him. The other dog she has, a white fluffy poodle terrier, called T-bone, plays with Frisky when he is inclined. But when they do, its a riot.

Similarly, Frisky is so friendly and playful, he doesn't realise when the other dog isn't interested in playing. He will go bark his" play, play with me" barks, and then sit down with his front paws on the ground, and butt in the air, wagging his tail. This is his play posture.

Sometimes dogs wag their tails, but their owners don't let them off the leash. Some people do. With bigger dogs, like German shepherds, bull mastiffs, golden retrievers, they get frustrated,and anxious, to see Frisky doing a sudden turn, side stepping them, and running in the opposite direction., They can't keep up with him:) :) ..He tries to tackle me too,like basket ball players do, while playing with me.,He wouldn't let me go near the ball/ whatever toy he is playing with.

In the past week, I have noticed Frisky do a new thing. When I am sitting on the sofa, eating, if the smell arouses his curiosity, he will climb up from the carpet till the table level, using my leg as a support..As in, he will put his front paws on my leg, and gradually come up to my knee, put his nose in the air and sniff. So he is practically standing on his toes, if one can say that for dogs. And then yesterday, he smelt something in the bushes on his walk, and he did the same thing. He put his front paws up on the bush, gradually climbed up till the top of the bush, holding onto the branches for support, and then sniffed the air. This is entirely new, because so far, he usually would go under the bush, near the roots, and sniff.

It is at these times I wish I had a camcorder/ camera handy. Its so much fun to see him do these things.. We take pride and joy in all this , like we would if we had our own human baby. Till then , Frisky is our baby.

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