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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Frisky's antics

Madhu and I knew that taking on a pup was a big responsibillity, and this morning was a very good reminder of that.

In the past 4 days, he has been getting accustomed to us, and the house. Yesterday, he whined when we left him, tied to his leash, (near the chair) to bring the things from the car. And this morning, Afetr he came back from his mornig walk, he was very active, jumping here and there, running about. So madhu played with him for some time,as I cooked. And even after all that activity, his energy level was still up.

He came fro the hall to the office room, with one of his toys in his mouth. The next minute when I looked in to see if he was playing with his toy, It turns out he has found my hat, on top of my bag,and is chewing on the brim of the hat. I admonished Frisky, and rescued my hat,and took him to the living room.

Madhu had a hearty laugh...The next time I checked, he was nowhere in the hall. I found him in the bedroom, chewing on the connecting pin of our speakers wire. Madhu rescued the wire from Frisky, before he chewed the whole pin off, and scolded him, and Frisky subsided.This time I laughed.!!!!!
(serves him right to have laughed at Frisky chewing on my hat...Now its his speakers wire in trouble. )

Frisky came away from the bedroom, apparently angry at having the wire taken away from him,and plopped himself down in the office room rug, near my bag, and hat. I thought it was over, and he would be still. But I was proven wrong once again.

The next time I checked in on Frisky, he was busily chewing something near my hat. I wondered what it was he had found now,and went in to see. Lo and behold,this imp had managed to take out my whole pack of Wrigley's chewing gum, from a small pouch in my bag,(regrettably left open by me yesterday), and was chewing on the gum!!!!!!!!!

I mean, what more could he want to chew???!!!!!He accomplished his task...he chewed off the first 10% of three or four sticks of gum in that packet, before I managed to take it away. I had to throw away a couple, and salvaged those in which the wrapper hadn't been torn off by him.

He has taken to nipping Madhu and me now, a graduation from licking us. But he knows us,and doesn't put any pressure on our fingers or toes, just a testing of Bone density in each of our fingers!!!!!!:) :)

Frisky has also taken to chewing anything metallic in the past two days...that's why the wire, and he nibbled on my toe rings ( metti) yesterday, making me squeal, because it was so ticklish!!!!!:) :)

However, these antics make him so adorable, I don't know how I would be able to leave him alone and get back to Red Cross.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well well well.... someone is having loads of fun with her new pet huh? :) Gana always wanted a pet at home ... but we can't have one in our single bedroom apartment :)